Star Trek: The Film Series
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Star Trek: The Film Series
- "Well Bones, do the new medical facilities meet with your approval?" -- Kirk
- "They do not. It's like working in a damn computer center" -- McCoy (Star Trek: TMP)
- "Spock, will you please sit down!" -- Kirk (Star Trek: TMP)
- "Just a moment, Captain, sir. I'll explain what happened. Your revered Admiral Nogura invoked a little known, seldom used, reserve activation clause. In simpler language, Captain, they drafted me!" -- McCoy (Star Trek: TMP)
- "Spock. This child is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do....spank it?" -- McCoy (Star Trek: TMP)
- "Your child is having a tantrum, Mr. Spock." -- McCoy (Star Trek: TMP)
- "Spock, you haven't changed a bit. You're just as warm and friendly as ever." -- McCoy
- "Nor have you, Doctor, as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates." -- Spock (Star Trek: TMP)
- "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... Message Spock?" -- Kirk
- "None that I am concious of... except, of course, Happy Birthday. Surely the best of times" -- Spock (Star Trek II)
- "Humour. It is a difficult concept" -- Saavik (Star Trek II)
- "Who's been holding up the damn elevator?" -- McCoy (Star Trek II)
- "It has always been easier to destroy that to create" -- Spock
- "Not anymore! Now we can do both at the same time. According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now watch out! Here comes Genesis, we'll do it for ya in six minutes." -- McCoy, in Kirk's ready room, after viewing the Project Genesis film (Star Trek II)
- "Where are we going?" -- McCoy
- "Where they went." -- Kirk
- "What if they went nowhere?" -- McCoy
- "Then this will be your big chance to get away from it all." -- Kirk, directing the search party to beam to the last coordinates of the transporter room in the deserted science lab (Star Trek II)
- "I'm delighted. Any chance to go aboard the Enterprise." -- Sulu
- "Well, I for one am glad to have you at the helm for three weeks. I don't think these kids can steer." -- Kirk (Star Trek II)
- "In any case, were I to invoke logic, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." -- Spock
- "Or the one." -- Kirk (Star Trek II)
- "I have been, and ever shall be, your friend. Live long, and prosper." -- Spock (Star Trek II)
- "How many fingers am I holding up?" -- Kirk, making the Vulcan salute
- "That's not very damn funny." -- McCoy (Star Trek III)
- "Don't call me Tiny." -- Sulu (Star Trek III)
- "You're suffering from a Vulcan Mind Meld, Doctor." -- Kirk
- "That green-blooded Son of a Bitch. It's his revenge for all those arguments he lost to me." -- McCoy (Star Trek III)
- "My God, what have I done?" -- Kirk
- "What you always do. Turn death into a fighting chance to live." -- McCoy (Star Trek III)
- "You're suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld, Doctor." -- Kirk
- "That green-blooded sonofabitch. It's his revenge for all those arguments he lost." -- McCoy (Star Trek III)
- "You're not exactly catching us at our best" -- Kirk
- "That much is certain" -- Spock (Star Trek IV)
- "No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space." -- Kirk (Star Trek IV)
- "Avoid the planet Earth at all costs. Farewell" -- Federation President (Star Trek IV)
- "Spock, where the hell's the power you promised?" -- Kirk
- "One damn minute, admiral" -- Spock (Star Trek IV)
- "Him? He's harmless. Back in the '60s he was part of the peace movement at Berkeley. I think he did a little too much LDS" -- Kirk
- "LDS?" -- Dr. Gillian Taylor
- "Umm-huh" -- Kirk, trying to explain Spock's weirdness as a result of LSD, and comfusing his 20th century Earth history (Star Trek IV)
- "Damn medievalism!" -- McCoy (Star Trek IV)
- "Nobody understands you in this century unless you swear every other word. You'll find it in all the literature of the era: Jackelyn Susann, the novels of Harrold Robbins." -- Kirk
- "Ah, the giants." -- Spock (Star Trek IV)
- "Sounds more like the goddam Spanish Inquisition." -- McCoy, to Kirk, after listening to to two 20th century doctors discussing treatments in an elevator (Star Trek IV)
- "Don't mess around with me or you're through!" -- Naval Commander
- "Really? Can I go now?" -- Chekov (Star Trek IV)
- "Captain, I do not believe you realize the gravity of your situation" -- Spock
- "On the contrary, gravity is the foremost thing on my mind" -- Kirk, while climbing El Capitan in Yosemite Nat'l Park (Star Trek V)
- "Jim, you don't go around asking the Almighty for his I.D.!" -- McCoy (Star Trek V)
- "Captain, life is not a dream." -- Spock (Star Trek V)
- "I was attempting to ascertain the meaning of the lyrics." -- Spock
- "It's a song, you green-blooded...Vulcan. You don't analyse it. The point is you have a good time singing it." -- McCoy
- "Oh, I am sorry, Doctor. Were we having a good time?" -- Spock, after trying to sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" (Star Trek V)
- "Beans. My great grand daddy's recipe. With a secret ingredient." -- McCoy
- "Beans and bourbon. An explosive combination." -- Kirk (Star Trek V)
- "I need a shower." -- Kirk
- [Sniffing] "Yes." -- Spock (Star Trek V)
- "Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons." -- Spock, to Kirk, refusing a hug (Star Trek V)
- "Do you think He's really out there!?" -- McCoy, re God
- [points to his heart] "He's not out there Bones, He's in here." -- Kirk (Star Trek V)
- "To be... or not to be... that is the question which troubles my people" -- General Chang (Star Trek VI)
- "Guess who's coming to dinner" -- Chekov (Star Trek VI)
- "We need breathing room!" -- General Chang
- "Earth. Hitler. 1938" -- Kirk (Star Trek VI)
- "Where's that damn torpedo?" -- Kirk (Star Trek VI)
- "Uhura, signal our surrender" -- Kirk
- "Captain!!??" -- Uhura
- "We surrender!!" -- Kirk (Star Trek VI)
- "Ahh, Mr. Scott, I understand you're having difficulty with the warp drive. How much time do you require for repair?" -- Spock
- "There's nothing wrong with the bloody thing!" -- Scotty
- "Mr. Scott, if we return to Spacedock, the assassins will surely find a way to dispose of their incriminating footwear, and we will never see the captain, or Dr. McCoy, alive again" -- Spock
- "Could take weeks, sir" -- Scotty
- "Thank you, Mr. Scott" -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
- "If I were human, I believe the correct response would be 'Go to Hell'" -- Spock's response to a Starfleet summons (Star Trek VI)
- "I am constant as the Northern Star." -- Chang over the Enterprise intercom
- "I'd give real money if he'd shut up." -- McCoy to Spock (Star Trek VI)
- "You can't appreciate Shakespeare until you've read him in the original Klingon." -- General Chang (Star Trek VI)
- "Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
Great Star Trek Quotes has been accessed times since the 18th of January, 1997.
© Copyright Stephen Jacob, 1994-2024.