
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

  • "Resistance is futile. You will disarm your weapons, and escort us to Sector 001. If you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you." -- Picard as Locutus of Borg, delivering his 'doomsday message' (Emissary)

  • "Ooh... I love a woman in uniform!" -- Quark (Emissary)

  • "Picard would never have hit me..." (wounded voice) -- Q
    • "I'm not Picard" -- Sisko (Q-less)

  • "Die with honour" -- Tosk (Tosk)

  • "I'm a doctor, not a botanist." -- Dr. Bashir (The Wire)

  • "In my expert medical opinion, I'd say... it's sick" -- Dr. Bashir about Dax's plant (The Wire)

  • "If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
    • "Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (Duet)

  • "Why? He wasn't Gul Darhe'el!" -- Kira
    • "He's a Cardassian. That's reason enough." -- Bajoran
    • "No... It's not..." -- Kira (Duet)

  • "Dad, I'm fourteen" -- Jake Sisko
    • "I'm glad we agree on something" -- Commander Benjamin Sisko (Move Along Home)

  • "I'm sorry, Commander, but I've learned we can't afford to die here -- not even once" -- Dr. Bashir (Battlelines)

  • "Do I annoy you?" -- Dr. Bashir (The Storyteller)

  • "He's still dead, if that's what you mean" -- Dr. Bashir (Dramatis Personae)

  • "Sounds like Wolf 359 all over again" -- Starfleet Admiral (The Die is Cast)

  • "Whoah! What's that? Is that a spider or a dog?" -- Jadzia
    • "It's a Paluckoo. The Bajoran moons are full of them" -- Kira
    • "Oh. I suppose you used to make them your pets and sing songs about them around the campfire" -- Jadzia
    • "No. We used to eat them" -- Kira (The Siege)

  • "The Provisional Government is going to fall, and when governments fall people like me are the first ones shot." -- Quark (Emissary)

  • "Cardassian rule may have been oppressive, but at least it was simple." -- Odo (Past Prologue)

  • "Laws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice." -- Odo (A Man Alone)

  • "Rom's an idiot. He couldn't fix a straw if it was bent." -- Odo, to Quark (Babel)

  • "I am sorry I have no vices for you to exploit." -- Tosk (Captive Pursuit)

  • "I don't get out often." -- Kai Opaka to Sisko (Battle Lines)

  • "Nothing makes them happy! They are dedicated to being unhappy, and to spreading that unhappiness to others! They are the Ambassadors of Unhappy!" -- Bashir's response to Sisko's "keep them happy" (The Forsaken)

  • "The Prophets teach us patience." -- Vedek Bareil
    • "It appears they also teach you politics." -- Sisko (In the Hands of the Prophets)

  • "Really, Doctor. Must we always play this game? I'm no more a spy than you are --" -- Garak
    • "A doctor." -- Bashir (Cardassians)

  • "A bite on the hand is certainly worth saving a boy's life, wouldn't you say?" -- Bashir
    • "I suppose it depends on whose hand .... just joking, Doctor." -- Garak (Cardassians)

  • "I wasn't a volunteer then. I was a member of the Underground." -- worker at Tozak Rees orphanage
    • "Really? Perhaps we have met, after all!" -- Garak (Cardassians)

  • "We can't have these Bajorans going around killing each other." -- Dukat (Necessary Evil)

  • "How's my human friend? Is he behaving himself?" -- Kira
    • "Everyone behaves himself when I'm in charge." -- mirror-Odo (Crossover)

  • "I have a dream; a dream that all people -- human, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi, Cardassians -- will someday stand together in peace... around my Dabo tables." -- Quark (The Search)

  • "Just be careful." -- Sisko
    • "Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon." -- Odo (Visionary)

  • "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." -- Garak (Improbable Cause)

  • "This is not a synthale kind of night." -- Bashir (Explorers)

  • "And it's from the heart; I really do... not hate you anymore!" -- O'Brien, to Bashir (Explorers)

  • "Captain, are you aware there's a Klingon on your bridge?" -- Dukat (The Way of the Warrior)

  • "All I ask is a tall ship, and a load of contraband to fill her with..." -- Quark (Little Green Men)

  • "I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for, Major." -- Dukat (Return to Grace)

  • "I'm sorry if I made you feel ... unwelcome. It's just my way." -- Odo (Muse)

  • "You've got a good start on a novel here, Jake. The dialog is sharp, the story is interesting, the characters are real... the spelling is terrible." -- Sisko (Muse)

  • "Is it just me, or do the stars shine a little brighter in the Gamma Quadrant?" -- Bashir
    • "Is it just me, or has Julian lost his mind?" -- Dax (The Quickening)
  • "There's no cure for the Blight. The Dominion made sure of that. And I was so arrogant I thought I could cure it in a week." -- Bashir
    • "Maybe that was arrogant. But it's even more arrogant to say that there is no cure, just because you couldn't find it." -- Dax (The Quickening)

  • "I hate prototypes." -- O'Brien (Apocalypse Rising)

  • "I have no idea what he's talking about." -- Jake, about Bashir (...Nor the Battle to the Strong)

  • "I see I'm going to have to add the word pickpocket to your resume." -- Odo
    • "It's only a hobby." -- Garak (Things Past)

  • "Stop smirking." -- Dax
    • "I do not smirk--but if I did, this would be a good opportunity." -- Worf (The Darkness and the Light)

  • "I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy; I know many things." -- Worf (The Darkness and the Light)

  • "You are not in my shoes." -- Worf
    • "Too bad. You'd be amazed at what I can do in a pair of size 18's." -- Dax (Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places)

  • "Constable, why are you talking to your beverage?!?" -- Worf
    • "It's not a beverage. It's a changeling." -- Odo (The Begotten)

  • "I suppose your gods are less vague?" -- Kira
    • "Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millenium ago." -- Worf
    • "I guess I'll never understand Klingons." -- Kira
    • "Don't worry Major. Nobody does." ... [whispered] "They like it that way." -- O'Brien

  • "There's an old saying, Fortune favors the bold. Well, I guess we're about to find out." -- Sisko (Sacrifice of Angels)

Great Star Trek Quotes has been accessed times since the 18th of January, 1997.


SJTrek © Copyright Stephen Jacob, 1994-2024.