TNG: Menage a Troi
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This scene was very kindly contributed by Melina Kramer. It is one of the
funniest scenes in Trek, and I hadn't even thought of it for this
page. The whole scene is really necessary, so instead of putting it
on the main TNG page, I've put it on a separate page. Enjoy. =)

A Scene from Menage a Troi
[Lwaxana has been kidnapped by a Ferengi named Daimon Tog and is
aboard his vessel. Picard hails them in an attempt to rescue her]
- Lwaxana
- When will you get it through your thick head that it's over between us,
Jean Luc?
[they mute the channel]
- Deanna
- I think I know what she's doing. You have to fight to get her back, Captain.
[channel reopened]
- Picard
- Um, eh, uh, it's not over between us Lwaxana, um, uh, you're mine and uh,
I, I will not let you go - I insist you return to my side immediately!
- Lwaxana
- You mean, you still care?
- Picard
- My love is a fever, longing still for that which no longer nurseth the
- Lwaxana
- Oh, tell me more!
- Picard
- In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes for they in thee a thousand
errors see, but tis my heart that loves what they despise, who in spite of
view are pleased to dote - shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou
art more lovely, and more temperate . . .
- Tog
- You didn't tell me that you and Captain Picard were. . .
- Lwaxana
- You said that you didn't want to hear about my other romances. I have a
new love, Jean Luc! And you can't keep killing all my lovers, now that
simply has to stop!
- Tog
- Killing?!
- Lwaxana
- Oh, he's insanely jealous.
- Picard
- Listen, Tog!! I must possess Lwaxana and if that means destroying your
ship in the process, so be it!
- Tog
- Captain, I had no idea Lwaxana. . .
- Lwaxana
- Don't let him threaten you, you can defeat him. The only way you'll ever
get me back is over Tog's dead body!
- Picard
- That can be arranged! Mr. Worf, arm phaser banks and photon torpedoes!
If Lwaxana Troi is not in my arms in ten seconds, throw everything you've
got at the Craton!
- Tog
- But you will destroy Lwaxana!
- Picard
- When I have plucked the rose I cannot give it vital growth again - it
needs must wither! Nine. Eight. Tis better to have loved and lost than
never to have loved at all! Seven. Six. Five. Four. Thr-
- Tog
- Beam her to the bridge! Now!
[Lwaxana sits on Picard's lap]
- Lwaxana
- You wonderfully jealous fool, you!
- Tog
- Uh, Captain, I trust there will be no further action taken against us.
- Picard
- Just as my reporting this incident to your superiors who may question your
competence as Daimon. I'll think about it! Screen off!
- Lwaxana
- Thank you Jean Luc. You were most convincing. You certainly convinced me.
- Picard
- I'm truly grateful, Mrs. Troi, that you risked your life to save my
people. I'll have you home in a few hours.
- Lwaxana
- Oh, no, that won't be necessary. I'd just love to hear more of your poetry.
- Picard
- [worriedly] Perhaps another time. Mr. Crusher, set course for
Betazed. [quietly, urgently, to Wesley] Warp nine!
Great Star Trek Quotes has been accessed times since the 18th of January, 1997.
© Copyright Stephen Jacob, 1994-2024.