
Star Trek: The Original Series


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Star Trek: The Original Series

  • "... a dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars" -- Kirk (Whom Gods Destroy)

  • "Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all." -- Scotty, explaining how he got rid of the tribbles (The Trouble With Tribbles)

  • "Right out of hell, I saw it!" -- Commodore Decker, describing the Planet Killer (The Doomsday Machine)

  • "You will die of suffocation, in the icy cold of space" -- Kang (Day of the Dove)

  • "The mid-1990s was the era of your so-called Third World War" -- Spock (Space Seed)

  • "We simply must accept the fact that Captain Kirk is no longer alive" -- Spock (The Tholian Web)

  • "They seemed to have been spared the agony of your first three World Wars, doctor" -- Spock (Bread and Circuses)

  • "You are authorized to use all measures available to destroy the Enterpise" -- Starfleet Command Representative (The Ultimate Computer)

  • "I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away AS garbage" -- Korax (The Trouble With Tribbles)

  • "Random chance seems to have operated in our favor" -- Spock
    • "In plain, non-Vulcan English, we've been lucky" -- McCoy
    • "I believe I said that, Doctor" -- Spock (The Doomsday Machine)

  • "Unbelievable. Do you recognize those uniforms?" -- Kirk
    • "Mid 20th century Earth. The nation-state called Nazi Germany." -- Spock (Patterns of Force)

  • "You look quite well for a man that's been 'utterly destroyed', Mr. Spock." -- Kirk (Patterns of Force)

  • "In four hours the ship blows up" -- Scotty (The Savage Curtain)

  • "Computer, compute to the last digit the value of pi" -- Spock (Wolf in the Fold)

  • "What are we looking at, a 20th century Rome?" -- Kirk (Bread and Circuses)

  • "Is there anyone on this ship, who even remotely, looks like Satan?" -- Kirk
    • "I am not aware of anyone who fits that description, Captain" -- Spock
    • "No, Mr. Spock, I didn't think you would be" -- Kirk (The Apple)

  • "Mr. Spock, the women on your planet are logical. That's the only planet in the galaxy that can make that claim." -- Kirk (Elaan of Troyius)

  • "Does everyone know about this grain but me?" -- Kirk
    • "Not everyone, Kepten, it's a Russian inwention." -- Checkov (The Trouble With Tribbles)

  • "Now this is a drink for a man." -- Scott
    • "Scotch?" -- Checkov
    • "Aye." -- Scott
    • "It vas inwented by a little old lady in Lenningrad." -- Checkov (The Trouble With Tribbles)

  • "Emotional, isn't she?" -- Spock
    • "She has always been so." -- Sarek
    • "Indeed. Why did you marry her?" -- Spock
    • "It seemed the logical thing to do at the time." -- Sarek (Journey To Babel)

  • "Ston, she is yours. You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true." -- Spock (Amok Time)

  • "Live long and prosper, Spock." -- T'Pau
    • "I shall do neither. I have killed my captain, and my friend." -- Spock (Amok Time)

  • "The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank." -- Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott ("A Taste of Armageddon")

  • "Please, Spock, do me a favor ... 'n' don't say it's `fascinating'..." -- Dr. McCoy
    • "No... but it is... interesting..." -- Spock (The Ultimate Computer)

  • "... and tell Doctor McCoy, he should have wished me luck." -- Spock (The Immunity Syndrome)

  • "Shut-up, Spock! We're rescuing you!" -- McCoy
    • "Why, thank you, captain McCoy." -- Spock, to McCoy after he tells Kirk something about leaving him (The Immunity Syndrome)

  • "You! What planet is this?" -- McCoy, to a homeless person upon appearing in 1930's Chicago (City on the Edge of Forever)

  • "You can stop it!" -- Anan 7, Leader of the High Council of Eminiar VII, describing the horrors of the impending war to a hostage Kirk
    • "Stop it? I'm counting on it!" -- Kirk (A Taste of Armegedon)

  • "Now Mr. Spock, there's really something about all this that I don't understand, so maybe you could explain it to me, logically of course... Now, when you jettisoned the fuel, and ignited it, you knew that there was virtually no chance of it being seen and yet you did it anyway. Now that seems to me like an act of desperation." -- Kirk
    • "Quite correct, Captain." -- Spock
    • "Now we all know, and I'm sure the doctor would agree with me, that desperation is a highly emotional state of mind. So how does your well known logic explain that?" -- Kirk
    • "Quite simply captain, I examined the problem from all angles, and it was plainly hopeless. Logic informed me that under the circumstances, the only logical action would have to be one of desperation. Logical decision, logically arrived at." -- Spock
    • "Ah-huh, I see... So you reasoned that it was time for an emotional outburst." -- Kirk
    • "Well I... Wouldn't exactly put it in those terms captain, but those are essentially the facts." -- Spock
    • [sighs] "You aren't going to admit that for the first time in your life, you committed a purely human, emotional act?" -- Kirk
    • [crosses arms and slowly shakes head] "No, sir." -- Spock
    • [laughing] "Mr. Spock, you are a stubborn man." -- Kirk
    • [raises eyebrows] "Yes, sir." -- Spock (The Galileo Seven)

  • "I signed aboard this ship to practice medicine, not to have my atoms scattered back and forth across space by this gadget." -- McCoy (Space Seed)

  • "By golly, Jim... I'm beginning to think I can cure a rainy day!" -- McCoy (The Devil in the Dark)

  • "I find myself growing fatigued, Doctor. May we continue this questioning at some other time?" -- Khan (Space Seed)

Great Star Trek Quotes has been accessed times since the 18th of January, 1997.


SJTrek © Copyright Stephen Jacob, 1994-2024.