
Star Trek: Voyager


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Star Trek: Voyager

  • "At ease, Ensign, before you sprain something" -- Janeway (Caretaker)

  • "Mr. Vulcan, nice to meet you!" -- Neelix (Caretaker)

  • "Dimissed" -- Janeway
    • [stands there dumbfounded] "B...but.." -- Neelix
    • "That's Starfleet for get out" -- Janeway (The Cloud)

  • "Why pretend we're going home at all when all we're really going to do is investigate every cubic millimter of this quadrant, aren't we?" -- The Doctor (The Cloud)

  • "I don't like threats, I don't like bullies, and I don't like you!" -- Captain Janeway (State of Flux)

  • "Aha!" -- The Doctor
    • "What?" -- Torres
    • "The patient is sick" -- The Doctor
    • "Can you be more specific?" -- Torres
    • "To discuss the patient's condition in front of the patient would be a serious breach of professional ettiquette... It's been suggested that I cultivate a greater sensitivity to my patients' needs" [leans around the bio scanner, smiles, speaks to the bioneural gel pack] "Don't worry, my little friend" -- The Doctor
    • "Doctor..." -- Torres
    • "Very well... The biological component of the circuit device has an infection... a very contagious one" -- The Doctor (Learning Curve)

  • "Crewman Garen; what is the problem up there? Keep going!" -- Tuvok
    • "Maybe he'll slip and plunge to his death..." -- Crewman Chel (Learning Curve)

  • "Your first command together was less than successful. You are all dead" -- Tuvok (Learning Curve)

  • "Well, Mr. Tuvok, once again you've proven your point. We are not Starfleet material" -- Lt. Kenneth Dolby (Learning Curve)

  • "You are saying that the Maquis crew is rigid and inflexible. That they will never adjust to Starfleet rules" -- Tuvok
    • "No, Mr. Vulcan. I am saying that you are rigid and inflexible..." -- Neelix (Learning Curve)

  • "Get the cheese to sickbay!" -- B'Elanna Torres (Learning Curve)

  • "...but understand this, Mr. Tuvok: I don't want to get to know you, and I don't want to be your friend" -- Lt. Dolby (Learning Curve)

  • "I thought Starfleet rules said that was an unacceptable risk, going back to save him" -- Lt. Dolby
    • "It was, however I recently realised there are times when it is desirable to bend the rules" -- Tuvok
    • "Lieutenant, if you can learn to bend the rules, I guess we can learn to follow them" -- Lt. Dolby (Learning Curve)

  • "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, Captain" -- Tuvok (Elogium)

  • "Computer, delete Paris" -- The Doctor
    • "What are you doing?!?" -- Ensign Kim
    • "Computer, delete Kim" -- The Doctor (Projections)

  • "Now's as good a time as any to tell you. Your ceiling is hideous" -- Neelix (Phage)

  • "Commander Chakotay was just showing me how to get in contact with my animal guide" -- Janeway
    • "I hope you have better luck with yours than I had with mine" -- B'Elanna
    • "B'Elanna is the only person I know who tried to kill her animal guide" -- Chakotay (The Cloud)

  • "Whatever she wants us for it better be good. I had you right where I wanted you" -- Chakotay
    • "What are you talking about? I was ahead, 19 - 7" -- B'Elanna
    • "I was just lulling you into a false sense of security" -- Chakotay
    • "Sure you were" -- B'Elanna
    • "I'll win the next couple of points and then you'll start to tense up" -- Chakotay
    • "I don't tense up" -- B'Elanna
    • "Easy, B'Elanna, it's only hoverball" -- Chakotay (Maneuvers)

  • "You're taking this all very personally, aren't you?" -- B'Elanna
    • "Why shouldn't I?" -- Chakotay
    • "You are not responsible for what happened" -- B'Elanna
    • "Oh no? I let her join the Maquis. I took her into my confidence. I even ... got intimately involved with her" -- Chakotay
    • "So you have lousy taste in women. Look, Chakotay, she fooled us all. She was my best friend or at least I thought" -- B'Elanna
    • "I for one am through being manipulated by her" -- Chakotay
    • "Are you sure? Because she's affecting you. That's just where she wants you. Don't tense up" -- B'Elanna
    • "So now I'm getting advice about controlling my emotions from you" -- Chakotay (Maneuvers)

  • "The procedure is quite simple. I'll drill an opening into your skull percisely two milimeters in diameter and then use a neuralyte probe to extract a sample of your parietal lobe weighing approximately one gram" -- The Doctor
    • "It doesn't sound simple to me. I still have nightmares about what those people did to me. And now you want to crack open my head, cut out a piece of my brain, and give it to her" -- B'Elanna
    • "Your experience in the Vidiian prison suggests that Klingon DNA is resistant to the Phage. Losing a small amount of neural tissue is inconsequential" -- The Doctor
    • "Not to me, it isn't" -- B'Elanna (Lifesigns)

  • "I've read about the experiments that were done on you. What you went through must have been very traumatic" -- Denara
    • "That is an understatement" -- B'Elanna (Lifesigns)

  • "You're like me - a little of this a little of that" -- Clown
    • [produces flowers which B'Elanna hits out of the way]
    • "My what a temper. That's from your Mother's side, isn't it?" -- Clown
    • [B'Elanna stares at him very coldly] (The Thaw)

  • "Cardassian ATR4017. Attempting to active systems" -- Carassian computer voice
    • "I never thought I'd be glad to hear that voice again" -- B'Elanna
    • "Voice analyzer functioning. Unable to identify" -- Maquis computer voice
    • "Attempting to activate systems" -- Carassian computer voice
    • "No additional presence detected" -- Maquis computer voice
    • "Check those diagnostics Dreadnought. You're talking to yourself. I believe you're having an identity crisis" -- B'Elanna (Dreadnought)

  • "Trouble sleeping, Captain?" -- Q
    • [cold glare] "Get out" -- Janeway (Deathwish)

  • "Denara?" -- The Doctor
    • "Mmmhmmm?" -- Denara
    • "I just wanted to ask you... I'm romantically attracted to you and wanted to know if you felt the same way..." -- The Doctor (Lifesigns)

  • "I was just programmed by you predators" -- The Doctor (Meld)

  • "Do you know what a Vulcan mind meld is?" -- Tuvok
    • "It's that thing where you grab someone's head..." -- Crewman Suiter (Meld)

  • "Your voice says to go away, but your heart wants me to make you smile!" -- Neelix to Tuvok (Meld)

  • "You're on your way to being normal -- although I'm not sure how normal applies to a species who suppress all their emotions" -- The Doctor (Meld)

  • "Computer, abort self destruct sequence; authorization Janeway, pi, 1, 1, 0" -- Janeway (Dreadnought)

  • "Doctor, I forgot all about you!" -- Janeway
    • "How flattering" -- The Doctor (Dreadnought)

  • "I took the liberty of beaming Lieutenant Torres from the transporter room to sickbay. She's somewhat singed around the edges, but should make a full recovery" -- The Doctor (Dreadnought)

  • "Well, isn't this just fine! Humans aren't supposed to be in this quadrant for 100 years!" -- Q (Death Wish)

  • "Facial art... ooh, how... wilderness of you!" -- Q re Chakotay (Death Wish)

  • "This ship will not survive the formation of the cosmos!" -- B'Elanna Torres (Death Wish)

  • "Where are we now?" -- Janeway
    • "We seem to be tethered to some sort of... plant" -- Tom Paris (Death Wish)

  • "I call myself to the stand" [snaps fingers] -- Q
    • [there is a flash and a duplicate Q appears]
    • "Tada!" -- duplicate Q (Death Wish)

  • "One thing you have never been... is a liar" -- Janeway
    • "I think you may have uncovered my one redeeming virtue! Am I blushing?" -- Q (Death Wish)

  • [indignantly] "My pennance is ended. I am a born-again Q!" -- Q (Death Wish)

  • "Can't you see, Captain? For us, the disease is immortality" -- other, suicidal Q (Death Wish)

  • "May I see you in your chambers?" -- Q
    • "You've been in my chambers enough for one visit, Sir" -- Janeway (Death Wish)

  • "He called me irrepressible. This is a man who is truly irrepressible" -- Q about the other Q (Death Wish)

  • "Is the crew always this difficult?" -- Doctor
    • "I don't know, Doc, it's my first mission" -- Kim (Caretaker)

  • "If we don't get more power to the warp drive we're all going to have to get out and push!" -- Paris (Parallax)

  • "Seems I've found myself on the voyage of the damned" -- Doctor (Time and Again)

  • "These people are natural born explorers" -- Kes
    • "These people are natural born idiots" -- Neelix (The Cloud)

  • "You were working for her, Seska was working for them, was anyone on that ship working for me?" -- Chakotay (State of Flux)

  • "Mr. Kim, we're Starfleet officers. Weird is part of the job" -- Janeway (Deadlock)

  • "Fear exists for one purpose: to be conquered" -- Janeway (The Thaw)

  • "This is the second morning you've been late" -- Chakotay
    • "I'll make up the time. It won't happen again" -- B'Elanna
    • "I'm not concerned about the duty schedule, B'Elannna. If there's something wrong..." -- Chakotay
    • "I'm fine" -- B'Elanna
    • "Ah...You mean fine like when you insisted on finishing the Hoverball Championship with a broken ankle" -- Chakotay
    • "I mean there's nothing wrong. I was only late because...I've been having these dreams. They're very intense. That's all" -- B'Elanna (Remember)

  • "So I assume I'm going to have to write up a report on your chronic over sleeping" -- Chakotay
    • "If you say a word of this to anyone..." -- B'Elanna
    • "I know you'll rip my heart out and eat it raw. Your secret's safe with me" -- Chakotay (Remember)

  • [B'Elanna has just woken up and her hands and legs are tied together when two men walk in]
    • "Where are we?" -- B'Elanna
    • "This one looks like an Indian, and that one...I don't know what her story is" -- Man #1
    • "What's that thing on her head?" -- Man #2
    • [B'Elanna doesn't look very happy about this comment. He goes to touch B'Elanna's forehead, she growls and lunges at him, and he jumps back]
    • "Careful, Bud. She looks like a fighter" -- Man #1 (Future's End Part 2)

  • "Sounds like you had a lot more fun out the Academy than I did. I remember doging a few punches in the lab" -- B'Elanna
    • "Only you, B'Elanna, could start a brawl in Astrotheory 101" -- Chakotay
    • [They laugh]
    • "I guess I was just a little more...enthusiastic, in those days" -- B'Elanna
    • "I guess so" -- Chakotay (Future's End Part 2)

  • "We'd have to get jobs" -- B'Elanna
    • "I've thought about pursueing Archaeology full time. Maybe I could teach at a university or work on one of the important digs in Central America. There were still a lot a important discoverys to be made in this century. I could win a Nobel prize" -- Chakotay
    • "So much for a low profile" -- B'Elanna
    • [They both laugh]
    • "What about you?" -- Chakotay
    • "Highly qualified Klingon seeks position as engineer" -- B'Elanna
    • "I'd hire you in a second" -- Chakotay (Future's End Part 2)

  • "Well Kathryn, you got us home." -- Chakotay
    • "Right place, wrong time." -- Janeway (Future's End Pt. I)

  • "Ever since my first day on the job as a Starfleet Captian, I swore I'd never let myself get caught in one of these Godforsaken paradoxes. The past is the future, the future is the past, it all gives me a headache." -- Janeway (Future's End Pt. I)

  • "Vulcans. Deep down your all just a bunch of hypercondriacs." -- Paris (Future's End Pt. I)

  • "Tuvok, did anyone ever tell you your a real freakasaurus?" -- Paris (Future's End Pt. II)

  • "And *you*...Mr. Leisure Suit..." -- Rain Robinson
    • "There's a name I haven't considered..." -- The Doctor (Future's End Pt. II)

  • "We need to talk about this...I think we need to define some paramaters...about us." -- Janeway
    • "I'm not sure I can...define peramaters. But I can tell you a story, an acient legend among my people. Its about an angry warrior who lived his life in conflict with the rest of his tribe, a man who couldn't find peace even with the help of his spirit guide. For years he stuggled with his discontent, but the only satisfaction he ever got came when he was in battle. This made him a hero among his tribe, but the warrior still longed for peace within himself. One day he and his war party were captured by a neighboring tribe, lead by a woman warrior. She called on him to join her, because her tribe was too small and weak to defend itself from all its enimies. The woman warrior was brave, and beautiful, and very wise. The angry warrior swore to himself that he would stay by her side, doing whatever he could to make her burden lighter. From that point on her needs would come first; and in that way, the warrior began to know the true meaning of peace." -- Chakotay
    • "Is that really an ancient legend?" -- Janeway
    • "No...but that made it easier to say." -- Chakotay (Resolutions)

  • "God in heaven help us." -- Ugly Militia Man
    • "Devine intervention is... unlikley." -- The Doctor (Future's End Pt. II)

  • "Oh, I see! This is one of those silly human rituals. You're playing hard to get!" -- Q
    • "As far as you're concerned, Q, I'm impossible to get." -- Janeway
    • "Goody! A challenge! This is going to be fun!" -- Q (The Q and the Grey)

  • "You're in love with a computer subroutine." -- Tuvok
    • [awkwardly] "That's the problem." -- Kim
    • [long pause] "Interesting." -- Tuvok (Alter Ego)

  • "Well?" -- Female Q, impatiently
    • "Well what?" -- B'Elanna
    • "Are you finished yet?" -- Female Q
    • "What you've asked us to do requires a complete reconfiguration of the shield array. It takes a while. For us mere mortals, that is." -- B'Elanna
    • "Surely there's some way you could speed up the process." -- Female Q
    • "If you're in such a hurry, why don't you just snap your fingers and do it yourself? [snaps fingers in imitation of a Q] Oh, that's right. You've lost your powers and you need our help." -- B'Elanna
    • "I don't think you understand. It's imperiative that I get back to the coninuum before Q mates with your captain." -- Female Q
    • "I understand perfectly. You aren't the first female who's ever had a male run out on her." -- B'Elanna
    • "I hope your not comparing some failed romance in your pityful existence to my eternal association with Q?" -- Female Q
    • "You know, I have really had it with this superiority complex of yours." -- B'Elanna
    • "It's not a complex, Dear. It's a fact." -- Female Q
    • "Well, here's another fact: If you don't stop pestering me I'm never going to finish. In which your association with Q may not be quite as eternal as you think." -- B'Elanna, angrily
    • "You know, I've always liked Klingon females. You've got such... spunk." -- Female Q
    • [B'Elanna gives her a look that could make the most powerful Q cringe] -- (The Q and the Grey)

  • "Well, so much for lunch." -- Paris
    • [B'Elanna looks a little nauseous and winces at the thought of food and from pain]
    • "I may never look at food again." -- B'Elanna, weakly
    • "I thought Klingons didn't get nauseated. You have a redundant stomach." -- Paris
    • "Well, right now they're both unhappy." -- B'Elanna
    • [B'Elanna gasps in pain as two of the macrovirii fly out of her neck, and loses conciousness] -- (Macrocosm)

  • "There's coffee in that nebula!" -- Janeway (The Cloud)

  • "What are you doing with that dog?" -- Female Q
    • [Q and Janeway look at the dog in Janeway's lap]
    • "I'm not talking about the puppy." -- Female Q (The Q and the Gray)

  • "Your uniform is very... informative." -- The Doctor, to Seven of Nine (episode?)

  • "A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet." -- Captain Kathryn Janeway (Fair Haven)

Great Star Trek Quotes has been accessed times since the 18th of January, 1997.


SJTrek © Copyright Stephen Jacob, 1994-2024.